New Year’s Friday
December 28, 2012Heavy-overcast and chilly here this Friday morning along California’s northern coast, starting off the last weekend of 2012 — a year quickly, darkly. And don’t expect things to get better in three days — only…
Heavy-overcast and chilly here this Friday morning along California’s northern coast, starting off the last weekend of 2012 — a year quickly, darkly. And don’t expect things to get better in three days — only…
Rain and fog this morning along California’s northern coast and we’re expected to get hammered by a cold front in a little while that will bring possible thunderstorms and a snow level down to about…
Drizzling rain this morning along California’s northern coast, with a slight touch of some ground fog, but the air feels warm — which is what really counts. Wet and cold don’t mix. This morning’s storm…
Clear as a bell this election-day morning here along California’s northern coast with a half moon hung high in the heavens — the sound of the Pacific rolls easily to the ears. Not so across…
Messing with time is crazy — only makes any life-sequence all the more elusive. Forgot about the Daylight Saving switch-a-roo last night, got up an hour earlier and although I’d slept all I could, the…
Wet and quiet this morning on California’s northern coast — the damp due to heavy fog during the night, which left the air a bit more warm than usual. A way-different story to the way-east…
Raining this early Tuesday morning up here along California’s northern coast, the first of the so-called rainy season, though, it did get wet back in July. And it’s fairly warm, temps expected to be in…
Clear skies and chilly this early Monday along California’s northern coast and maybe despite the calender, Indian Summer might still with us. Not so long ago, weather talk was a nice way to pass the…
Overcast and quiet this early Monday on California’s north coast, not so on the other side of the country where Hurricane Isaac is plowing through the Gulf of Mexico. In its wake, the GOP has…
Urban Word of the Day: “derp“ A simple, undefined reply when an ignorant comment or action is made. Brought to life in the South Park series, when Mr. Derp made a guest appearance at South…