Author Archives: Bruce Maulden

Unfair Rainfall

October 27, 2016

Steady downpour this early Thursday on California’s north coast — right now with rain coming straight down, the storm is maybe-directly overhead, apparently stalled in barely-noticeable wind. Heavy at times, it’s been raining nearly-continuous since…

Denial ‘Driving Us Crazy”

October 24, 2016

Rain splashing heavy on a Monday here along California’s north coast, the rainfall accompanied by some blustery winds, a situation supposedly here for awhile. In a Short Term Forecast this morning, the NWS predicts maybe…

Presidential Politics — Stressful Shit Sucks

October 19, 2016

Sunshine once again this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, and although the NWS forecasts today to be just ‘Partly Sunny,’ most-likely the outcome will still be nice. In non-pleasant news, final debate tonight between T-Rump…