‘Greatest’ — Ever
August 5, 2016Fog-clouds cloak the north coast of California this Friday morning, and if it continues like yesterday, we can expect this afternoon to be only ‘partially’ on the sunny side. And a bit chilly, too. Also…
Fog-clouds cloak the north coast of California this Friday morning, and if it continues like yesterday, we can expect this afternoon to be only ‘partially’ on the sunny side. And a bit chilly, too. Also…
In the fog-bank, gray-zone once again this early Thursday on California’s north coast — gloomy prelude, however, to an expected bright, sunshine-filled afternoon. Unless something goes terribly wrong… How about what’s normal, but wrong —…
Misty ground fog this early Wednesday on California’s north coast — a couple of hours ago, from all appearances, we were going to be treated to a lately-rare sunshine morning, with clear skies eastward, and…
Sunshine, near-clear skies and warm this Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast — another in the summer series of wonderful shoreline days. Although the wind is expected to pick-up later, right now it’s gorgeous. Beyond…
Monday morning here on California’s north coast, and once again a thick mat of gray outside as the routine-like marine layer continues to hold sway. Temperatures are supposed to cool, though Willow Creek is expected…
Damp-gray early Friday here on California’s north coast, seemingly the morning-norm nowadays, a way-contrast with recent afternoons of clear, bright skies and warm temperatures. Locally, however, the word, ‘warm,’ doesn’t at all necessarily mean ‘hot‘…
Once again a dense and damp marine layer blankets the north coast of California this early Thursday, accompanied by a moist-chill to the air — foggy now, but in just a little while, most-likely bright-sunshine…
Deep-fog and way-moist air this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, as we continue the summer of heat. Asshole Jim Inhofe talking some heinous shit last week (Think Progress yesterday): “You know, our kids are…
Fog-city again this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, a repetition of repeating weather. Cool here, of course, but seemingly nowhere else. California and most of the US are engulfed in a horrific heat wave,…
Gray and damp this Monday morning on California’s north coast, another day in the life. A bit of guilt even as we cool here on the Pacific shoreline, not far eastward temperatures way-climb, sometimes 20-30-degrees…