Author Archives: Bruce Maulden

Climate ‘Uncharted’

November 9, 2015

Soft rain this Monday morning on California’s north coast, maybe a rung lower than drizzle, as our latest storm front seems to be finally dying out, even after yesterday’s beautiful, bright afternoon. Light-rain came at…

Climate-Change’s Weather

November 7, 2015

A muted environment this late Saturday afternoon here on California’s north coast, though, just the ambience of storm clouds a-coming — supposedly, a fairly-decent rainstorm starting later this evening, maybe continuing all-day tomorrow, and could…

Disembodied Dick

November 5, 2015

Overcast with occasionally some faded-yellow sunlight peeking through this Thursday morning on California’s north coast, an environment corresponding to a ‘slight chance‘ of wetness forecast for today, with a supposedly true rainstorm slated for Sunday.…