Literal Lunacy
March 13, 2015Overcast with just a bit of ground fog this early Friday here on California’s north coast — rain expected later on, with a good shower due over the weekend. Gray-gloomy weather we’ve had lately. And…
Overcast with just a bit of ground fog this early Friday here on California’s north coast — rain expected later on, with a good shower due over the weekend. Gray-gloomy weather we’ve had lately. And…
Bright sunshine and warm skies this near-about noon on California’s north coast, with today a short respite from drizzle and rain — a new storm expected tomorrow, and supposedly to last through the weekend. Yesterday,…
Rain in the gutters this early Wednesday on California’s north coast — the NWS calls it ‘showers,’ and this system is forecast to be fairly light, pass-by-gone by tomorrow, and more possible wetness over the…
Fogbound again this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, seemingly signaling another example of premature spring/early-summer weather routine for our shoreline — fog doesn’t usually hang like this until later in the season. Heat does…
Damp, dense fog this Monday afternoon — seeming the last few days have been imbedded within a gray, gloomy blanket-like, life-portrait painted with faded light, mixed in cold air. Weather-wise, too, our home and hearth…
Thick fog this early Sunday here on California’s north coast, especially cold and damp near the ground, and although the NWS calls it ‘patchy fog,’ there’s not much patch in all that gloomy gray. Into…
Another morning here on California’s north coast — in this instance, a Friday. A hazy-white glow peaks light from the east, filtered by high, wispy clouds, and so far a weather-facsimile from yesterday. Warm the…
Clear and cold once again this early Thursday on California’s north coast — another day in the life. Supposed to be about the same through the weekend, though, apparently the rain expected has edged closer,…
Clear and cold this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, sunshine and just a few degrees above freezing — we’re under a Frost Advisory again, too. Tilting through a little dry spell right now it…
Near-about crystal clear this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, and although there’s a frost advisory for the area and we’re just now a few degrees above freezing, cold weather is way-relative these days. Seemingly,…