Petro Rain
December 22, 2014Rain again this early Monday on California’s north coast, feels like it’s raining all over the world. Nearly two months of this wet stuff for most of the time, and the accompanying, gray-gothic clouds, real-gloomy-like…
Rain again this early Monday on California’s north coast, feels like it’s raining all over the world. Nearly two months of this wet stuff for most of the time, and the accompanying, gray-gothic clouds, real-gloomy-like…
Rain again this Saturday morning on California’s north coast, with that sunshine scheduled for next Tuesday, already pushed back to Thursday, and today’s rainfall supposedly heavy at times, totals maybe an inch. Beyond the fractured…
Rain and gloomy-dark outside this early Friday on a small patch huddled near California’s north coast — getting close to a month now, of rain and gloomy-dark — more rain forecast for days to come,…
In the vast scope of weather, location is key. Last week, my youngest daughter, Melissa, moved for-some-reason from here in Humboldt County, California, to Kansas City, Missouri, and the shift in the environment is way-notable.…
Fuzzy, high clouds this early Thursday on California’s north coast, a star can be seen every-little-bit, and the moon, now a misty-white fingernail, creeps low in the eastern sky. We’re forecast for some ‘heavy rain‘…
Raining with thick cloud bundles huddling close — quick snapshot off my back patio this early Wednesday on a small stretch of California’s north coast. Just a little while after sunrise, one cup coffee sipped-away,…
Stars and a mist-shrouded moon, looking like a nicely-trimmed toenail, hanging above a little section of California’s north coast, and here early Tuesday, another day in the life. In-and-out of the crazy-weird world of journalism…
Last week’s release of the mouth-full, “The Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Detention and Interrogation Program,” has exploded so impactful, now it’s recognizable/understood by just three words, ‘CIA Torture Report,’ or ‘Torture Report‘…
Rain pelts hard, then drizzles off into just hanging moisture — long-overcast clouds this early Monday appear ready to burst here on this little stretch of California’s north coast. And those clouds do occasionally open,…
Dark with a thick overcast in mid-afternoon here on California’s north coast, ‘rain likely’ so says the NWS and most-likely it will, but who’s to know? Beyond/besides just a warming planet, this yesterday in the…