‘Sadness Factor’
October 30, 2014Overcast and cured with bit of a chilled breeze this early Thursday on California’s north coast — maybe rain, maybe not. We’re forecast for it the next couple of days, but it’s all blowing in…
Overcast and cured with bit of a chilled breeze this early Thursday on California’s north coast — maybe rain, maybe not. We’re forecast for it the next couple of days, but it’s all blowing in…
High fluffy clouds, bright sunshine this Wednesday afternoon on California’s north coast, and nearly no wind — gorgeous. Windows open, back sliding-glass door shoved open to its stop. Around here, weather shifts in a snap-second,…
Overcast and chilly this Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast with some rain sprinkles thrown in for good measure. Another week in the wet — tonight is supposed to be the rain high point, then…
Bright and sunny with a bit of chilled wind, here this Monday afternoon on California’s north coast. Gorgeous now but more rain expected tomorrow. Late in the day for a first post, usually way-earlier I’d…
Gorgeous Sunday afternoon here on California’s north coast — sunshine-warm with windows open. What drought? Ready on the mind for most Californians: ‘A new poll from the Public Policy Institute of California found that 62 percent…
Due to this really, really crazy world and all the news pouring from every direction 24/7, I miss a lot of stuff otherwise buried — one for sure is the report Joni Mitchell will release…
Thick, dark clouds this early Sunday on California’s north coast — supposedly rain is to slow today, down to cloudy tonight and back to fog on Monday. Just a respite, though, forecast is for more…
Despite the deep, dark storm clouds now cowering over the northern California coast, and all the crazy shit happening all over, especially yesterday, another sight from the skies — from Space.com this morning: The solar…
Clear and windy right now this early Saturday on California’s north coast — we’re in the midst of hostile weather with high winds, gusts up to 45, and supposedly some heavy rain, maybe a bit…
Intensely-thick gray skies this early Friday on California’s north coast, appearing as if we’re in some kind of cloud bowl, looking out — just some heavy rain apparently getting ready to come ashore. What a…