Not-So-Happy History
June 15, 2014Bright sunshine just starting to break the gray this Sunday morning on California’s north coast — dark, heavy-clouded and gloomy a little earlier, but typical for us up here, the scene/sense of the weather can…
Bright sunshine just starting to break the gray this Sunday morning on California’s north coast — dark, heavy-clouded and gloomy a little earlier, but typical for us up here, the scene/sense of the weather can…
Ground fog this early Friday on California’s north coast — just a little while ago, the sky was clear and a full, bright moon hung like a porthole high in the southern sky. And for…
(Illustration found here). One of the most-haunting and ultra-sad images of Iraq is the photo above of a child fleeing with others from Barsa, southern Iraq, in March 2003 — now 11 years later, is…
(Illustration: Police escort children away from Sandy Hook Elementary School, December 2012, found here. And a shooting Tuesday at a high school in Oregon was the 74th such event since then). This is one freaked-out-crazy…
Up early this morning to some sweet news — for a change: In the most-stunning upset since Republicans took over the House of Representatives four years ago, Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost his GOP primary…
Clear and a tad on the warm side this early Tuesday on California’s north coast with another sunny and “hot” day scheduled for us — of course, the word, “hot,” being relative. We get warm…
Clear and beautiful this way-too-early Monday on California’s north coast as the weekend is now history and we have to face the musical notes of a work week. Light is faint in the rising dawn,…
Bright sunshine this Sunday morning on California’s north coast — the weekend more than half gone, and the garish tomorrow fiendishly well in sight. Clock-produced time a fascinating fantasy fueled primarily by presupposed notions, or…
Overcast with a touch of ground fog this early Friday on California’s north coast, but the huge-most-important thing is that it’s Friday. Friday! And despite all the work and toil, the week has seemed to…
High overcast again this early Thursday on California’s north coast as we continue to plow on through the work week. Time appears to be moving faster, like water finally flushing down a drain, sucking quicker…