‘Is It Safe?’
March 26, 2014Raining fairly heavy this way-too-early Wednesday on California’s north coast, but maybe the sun will show itself later, like it did yesterday afternoon — gorgeous and warm. We need the rain, though, and lots more.…
Raining fairly heavy this way-too-early Wednesday on California’s north coast, but maybe the sun will show itself later, like it did yesterday afternoon — gorgeous and warm. We need the rain, though, and lots more.…
“Ever read any Poe?” “No, but I loved her last album.” — “Panic Room” Raining and warm this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — we’re forecast for wet weather for the next week-to-10-days, so…
Clear and chilly this way-early Monday on California’s north coast as we start another work week as springtime seems have arrived unannounced. This past weekend was gorgeous — the skies clear and sunny with really-warm…
Bright, bubbly and hot here this Sunday afternoon on California’s north coast — caps a gorgeous weekend as yesterday was much the same. In fact, in a rare instance for me in this region, I’m…
Dark this early Friday — Duh! And high overcast with a chilled breeze on California’s north coast as we’re only hours away from a weekend. Sitting here at the laptop in these pre-dawn hours is…
Overcast with a chilly breeze this early Thursday on California’s north coast as we grind through another work week. Friday is just a flip-of-the-finger away. We had a bit of nasty news yesterday afternoon from…
Clear and chilly again this early Wednesday on California’s north coast — mid-week weakly here. No earthquakes during my morning bath, but there’s been two little shakers since I got up earlier, and the movement…
Clear and a bit chilly this early Tuesday with a full moon nearly-bright as day. Beautiful sky filled with soft, twinkling stars, a picture of pre-dawn serenity — not! Less than 45 minutes ago, one…
Overcast with a drizzly rain this early Monday on California’s north coast as we begin another freakin’ work week. No ground shaking, though, at least there’s that. And today is pure-booze day — St. Patrick’s is…
Overcast and foggy with a chill in the air this early Sunday on California’s north coast — but if predictions are near-about correct, and we follow the course of the past week or so, sunshine…