Summer Sausage
September 13, 2013Finally, it’s Friday! Still overcast and a bit warm this early morning here on California’s north coast as we continue our falling way into the fall season — we did get some sunshine yesterday, but…
Finally, it’s Friday! Still overcast and a bit warm this early morning here on California’s north coast as we continue our falling way into the fall season — we did get some sunshine yesterday, but…
High overcast this early Thursday morning on California’s north coast and from all indications we’ll continue our most-wonderful Indian summer today with warm temperatures fluttered in sunshine. Twelve years in a memory’s snap — a swift…
High overcast this way-too-early Wednesday here on California’s north coast and mid-week pulls us closer and closer to the weekend. Which is exactly where we want to be — for now. And in the wake…
Clear and cool this early Tuesday along California’s north coast, just another day in the warmth. Trick or twist? US Secretary of State John Kerry walks into a bar — bartender asks: Why the long…
Crystal-clear, warm and beautiful this way-too-early Monday on California’s north coast, all this after a way-way-too quick weekend. Two days just ain’t enough time. This is the week that has to be for President Obama…
Sunday morning fog up here on California’s north coast — feels like it’s foggy all over the world. And it feels like we’re all on a precarious precipice as plastered by the platoons of talking heads…
News like this is a bit disconcerting, if not border-line, paranoid-frightful (via USAToday): In tests for arsenic in more than 1,300 samples of rice and rice products, the Food and Drug Administration has found levels…
Finally — Friday! A little wispy-overcast this morning on California’s north coast as we prepare to handle the weekend — and we’re way-ready for a warm and sun-splashed two days. And it will be fairly…
Another reinforcing prompt on the quickly-coming-if-not-already-here future — from the Washington Post this afternoon: Manmade climate change played a substantial role in the exceptional warmth in the eastern U.S. during the spring of 2012, a major…
Slightly overcast this way-too-early Thursday on California’s north coast as we wade toward the end of the week. Another scorcher for us as temps are expected to be in the 70s again today, and even…