Baghdad Blooper
April 24, 2012This would be laughable if not so bat-shit crazy. A response to George Jr. this weekend via Town Square Buzz: Most of Bush’s speeches are closed to the press, and this was no exception, so…
This would be laughable if not so bat-shit crazy. A response to George Jr. this weekend via Town Square Buzz: Most of Bush’s speeches are closed to the press, and this was no exception, so…
Last week, a regular customer and I got into a short discussion during check-out on the subject of college debt — she told me she was having trouble paying off just $4,000 in loan obligations.…
(Illustration found here). A deeply-beautiful afternoon on California’s northern coast — finally after what’s seem like weeks and weeks of rain in various forms, so far, appears like we will get a full-day’s worth of…
Back in the day, when I wore a much-younger man’s clothes, my way-most favorite sport was motor racing, especially the open-wheel variety, e.g., Indy-type cars, and of course, Formula One. Road racing appeared to be…
Despite today being the national pot day — 4/20 — hahahahahahahahaha…. If you celebrate this particular day in any fashion, you’re not a real toker, but a celebrity seeker. In case you didn’t know it,…
In the midst of people/places/things making news this week, one item seemingly absent is any hysteria over high fuel prices. Competition for news time is tight, with the vernal Dick Clark dead at 82, Leon…
Pretty much a fact that Republicans can’t govern worth a shit — three GOP presidents excepted, Abe, Ike and Dick, though the last guy had some major pathological problems — and George Jr. was the…
“They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table and figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago.” — George…
“The other day I was listening to the radio. The Afghan minister was assassinated. I’m thinking, What threat did he pose to the Taliban? Who even wants to go to Afghanistan? His phone rings once…
President Obama ain’t pissed already: If it turns out that some of the allegations that have been made in the press are confirmed, then of course I’ll be angry,” he said. Of course, the source…