‘Toxic’ Climate-mess
November 27, 2011COP17 — the latest UN climate summit opens on Monday in Durban, South Africa, and what’s the action status to combat the way-greatest, quickly-coming threat to humanity? “They’re on the edge of a mess,” one…
COP17 — the latest UN climate summit opens on Monday in Durban, South Africa, and what’s the action status to combat the way-greatest, quickly-coming threat to humanity? “They’re on the edge of a mess,” one…
From the police playbook of mob control: A woman shot pepper spray to keep shoppers from merchandise she wanted during a Black Friday sale, and 20 people suffered minor injuries, authorities said. … Fire department…
“Thanksgiving Day, a function which originated in New England two or three centuries ago when those people recognized that they really had something to be thankful for — annually, not oftener — if they had…
(Illustration found here). Tomorrow, of course, is turkey day — one of US peoples’ more obtuse holidays where actual thanksgiving gives way to stuffing the face with food. And like most of the other so-called…
One cannot imagine the uselessness of combating anything of importance with those elected so-called leaders of the near-rudderless US of A — the failure of the “super committee” is the latest example of why mankind…
(Off my post this morning) The case against that guy arrested in New York City yesterday and charged with plotting to blow up U.S. targets, including American soldiers returning from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,…
The zealous approach to law enforcement in this age of protest and terror has created a strange and dangerous notion that a shitload of stuff is bad, when in reality, bad is self-perpetrating. Last night,…
My apologies to one of Forrest‘s most-beloved quips, but US politics has become so much more than stupid talking, it’s mean-spirited pure ugly — especially amongst Republicans. Hence, the supposedly GOP presidential front-runner Newt Gingrich…
Headline-writers at the New York Times found a verb this morning in the middle of the third graph of a story on the US Census Bureau and its new measure of gauging just how bad the…
As events go, 1981 had its share of weird and nefarious shit — Ronald Reagan was inaugurated president in January, was shot and wounded in March and recovered enough by July to nominate Sandra Day…