Scared of Fright
August 7, 2014Fog bound Thursday morning here on California’s north coast, and quiet. Only folks up right now are insomniacs, meth-heads and me. At least the weekend is only hours away. Life nowadays appears as if on…
Fog bound Thursday morning here on California’s north coast, and quiet. Only folks up right now are insomniacs, meth-heads and me. At least the weekend is only hours away. Life nowadays appears as if on…
Fog and a chill the main ingredients this Tuesday morning on California’s north coast as we work our way into the week. Nothing new, but everything. Still the big deal here on the Left Coast…
High overcast with a cool sea breeze this early Wednesday on California’s north coast — the short work week might be a little tougher, but the weekend’s in sight. And speaking tough — little Eddie…
Raining and warm again this early Friday (finally!) on California’s north coast as we continue on into winter’s tropical grip. Ha! And this day is supposedly special, made for sad, love-struck nit-twits like one Joel…
Key to the latest Eddie-Snowden tidbit: Even more troubling, according to Information’s assessment, is that the top secret “document suggests that the NSA’s […] focus in relation to climate change was spying on other countries…
Despite all my weeping, gnashing of what teeth I’ve got left and screaming at the walls last night, here we are again on a Monday. Again, too, it’s cold and clear on California’s north coast…
Oops, too heavy on the lying boys. President Obama and all the NSA honchos have bragged the bulk collection of telephone call records saved the US from terrorist attacks — bullshit. According to a member…
She would have been a neat person to hang out with, always interesting, always entertaining, conversations on a shitload of topics — if she could’ve spoke unfettered, and been herself. Emily Dickinson was most-likely a…
Early Thursday here on California’s north coast with the weekend in absolute-full view now. Seems the old blog site has some problems — my IT guy had to move some ether-shit around and transferred Compatible…
(Illustration found here). Welcome to the new look — small changes in a different way, but with the same nit-twit in charge. A different face coupled with that unique, gratuitous and sensual literary effort. Ha!