Category Archives: Articles

Write Now

March 1, 2018

Surprising sunshine this Thursday morning on California’s north coast, especially in light of all the bad weather that’s been forecast for the next few days. Awaiting some rain, even as the sun disappears now-and-again, the…

Climate Change ‘Happening Under Our Noses’

April 17, 2017

Overcast with occasional drizzle this late-afternoon Monday on California’s north coast — decent-sized rainstorm due tonight, but apparently just rain on/off until the end of the week, then according to the NWS, a drier period…

‘Global warming and “an extraordinary departure from the norm”’

December 7, 2016

Overcast this Wednesday morning on California’s north coast, with rain expected at any minute — supposedly rain until Saturday, at least, and some forecast to be fairly-decent in downfall. And cold-as-shit this morning, too. However,…