Darkness America
August 22, 2011Even as freedom bells seems to be ringing in Libya this morning — anti-Gaddafi forces are reportedly in downtown Tripoli and Muammar is nowhere to be found (even the Russians claim they don’t know where…
Even as freedom bells seems to be ringing in Libya this morning — anti-Gaddafi forces are reportedly in downtown Tripoli and Muammar is nowhere to be found (even the Russians claim they don’t know where…
In the annals of US armed conflict, George Jr. and his gang is way-unique — they’re obvious war criminals. If their actions had taken place in another country, the whole bunch would have been hunted…
Even as big chunks of planet earth have undergone some extreme weather recently — right now there’s a climate-change-influenced furnace blistering the US heartland — some dumb-ass, and way-dangerous people have continued to deny the…
Seemingly so long ago: Before the war with Iraq, Powell bluntly told Bush that if he sent U.S. troops there “you’re going to be owning this place.” Powell and his deputy and closest friend, Richard…
Left my post for just a week and imbecilic chaos ensues. As if in a fevered nightmare, the peoples of the world, and especially US peoples have taken complete leave of any known sense, and…
(Illustration found here). Yesterday’s suck hole on Wall Street is most-likely a harbinger of an anxious future. Scared of all kinds of money-entangled shit, the stock market cratered more than 500 points, the Asian markets…
One standing cliche of horror movies is the old trope of the menaced babysitter being scared out of her most-beautiful wits by a killer via telephone calls, which as turns out, are being made “from…
One reason among many why US people should fear the debt ceiling’s ugly docudrama: “It set the template for the future. In the future, Neil, no president — in the near future, maybe in the…
Despite that most-heralded, most-joyous news from President Obama last night on a debt ceiling compromise deal, US peoples shouldn’t be so happy, in fact, they should have an attack of great financial fright. Obama helped…
“It is an unfortunate human failing that a full pocketbook often groans more loudly than an empty stomach.” — Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Illustration found here). Early Sunday and deep, wet fog here on California’s north…