Category Archives: climate change

Cold-Coal Joe In A Petri Dish — ‘I Don’t Know Where In The Hell I Belong’

October 26, 2021

(Illustration: Cartoon by Kevin Kallaugher (KAL), and found here). One of the worst people on the planet right now is most-likely Joe Manchin. I know, I know there are murderers out there, rapists, child abusers/pedophiles,…

CO2 Surging Into The Atmosphere, Swamps Climate Change Goals — ‘We Are Way Off Track’

October 25, 2021

Partly cloudy with an occasional glimpse of sunshine here in California’s Central Valley — our version of the first big storm of the season was quick and short with hard rain ending this morning.  Although…

‘Pineapple Express’ To Drench California — Albeit Drought Resistant, However

October 23, 2021

Overcast this late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley, a set-up for the massive rainstorms coming tomorrow and lasting through Monday — an early-in-the-season ‘atmospheric river‘ is expected to dump 1.5-to-2-inches of rain on us…

Dark Future With Climate Change

October 20, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Mammoths from the Ice Age,’ 1969 (gouache on paper), by Angus McBride, and found here). Overcast and maybe a bit on the warm side this late-afternoon Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — rain…

Climate Change Is A Current Catastrophe: ‘Single Biggest Health Threat Facing Humanity’

October 12, 2021

(Illustration: Famous Santa Monica, California, Pier with 1.5°C (2.7°F) rise in global temperatures, and found here). Way-windy and chilly this mid-day Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley, but nowhere as fierce as yesterday’s blustery time…

Greta Thunberg Pokes World Leaders For Lackluster Climate Action — ‘Blah, Blah, Blah’

September 28, 2021

Windy and a bit on the chilly side this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — after months of outrageous heat, a weather shift in a time of climate change. And of which, climate-change…

Warning From New Climate Analysis: US Emissions Cut Deemed ‘Insufficient’ To Keep Down Worse Aspects Of Global Warming (World Failing)

September 15, 2021

On this day after here in California, it’s back off the recall and to the business of wildfires, which are made worse by climate change, which seems to be in the early stages of being…

Terrible Times’ Most-Terrible Tweets

September 7, 2021

Warm and near-about comfortable this mid-day Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — first day of the ‘fall season,’ a time zone which usually lasts until about Halloween, then the holiday season kicks in, amping…