Physically Fiscally Frugal
October 26, 2014Thick, dark clouds this early Sunday on California’s north coast — supposedly rain is to slow today, down to cloudy tonight and back to fog on Monday. Just a respite, though, forecast is for more…
Thick, dark clouds this early Sunday on California’s north coast — supposedly rain is to slow today, down to cloudy tonight and back to fog on Monday. Just a respite, though, forecast is for more…
Overcast with a near-calm wind this Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast — sortie forth once again. Too cloudy earlier this morning for ‘orionid‘ watching,, unfortunately I was awake but the darkness passed uneventful. Life…
(Illustration: NASA satellite image of California’s drought, late January-early February 2014, found here). Drizzling sprinkles this early Friday on California’s north coast as the season slowly shifts, a little quiet, too, as yesterday afternoon turned…
Good news on the 10-month-old legal marijuana sales in Colorado front: No mass deaths, and sales are high as a kite. Some interesting figures from research-land Colorado — sales revenue off recreational marijuana continues to toke…
Rain this afternoon finally, and apparently here on California’s north coast we’re expecting maybe a coming week’s worth of soaking. And beyond the beach, oil is making headlines, again — this time for a hefty, jig-saw…
A fog-soaked early Friday here on California’s north coast, feels like it’s fog-soaked all over the world. The NWS calls it ‘patchy fog,’ but there’s not a empty/patchy spot anywhere, and we’re also forecast for…
Part-n-parcel on the road to the Great American Dream (via the Washington Post): But then there are deeper factors at work. The economy has gotten bigger, but much of that growth hasn’t reached the middle…
Another sunshine-splashed afternoon, flavored with a fairly-chilled breeze — otherwise, near picture perfect. Old people. I’m now into my second month of retirement, and sort of weird as shit, peculiar only in passing. Yet at…
Intense sunshine this afternoon and a pleasant, comfortable wind — gorgeous! One more for the Left Coast: California is the first to ban plastic bags at the state level. Gov. Moonbeam Brown signed the law…
Warm sunshine and a soft, cool breeze this Saturday afternoon, on California’s north coast. Weekend days are so different those days in rest of the week on a shitload of levels — even the tempo…