Dry Rain
July 1, 2014Overcast with a bit of ground fog this early Tuesday on California’s north coast as we pass the halfway mark for 2014 — time flies, period. Fun or not. Although we’ve had some gorgeous weather…
Overcast with a bit of ground fog this early Tuesday on California’s north coast as we pass the halfway mark for 2014 — time flies, period. Fun or not. Although we’ve had some gorgeous weather…
Heavy ground fog this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, and beyond the mist, we’re forecast for some rainfall today, maybe. Weather on any shoreline is pretty-much unpredictable in a local, predictable way. A couple…
Ground fog again this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, and warm, too. And speaking of heat — Dr. Christopher Keating, a physicist who has taught at the University of South Dakota and the U.S.…
Overcast with a chilly breeze here this Sunday on California’s north coast as we mingle the single days left in summer, which by the way, officially cranked-off yesterday. Although we’ve been experiencing ‘summer‘ for the…
Bright sunshine this Sunday morning on California’s north coast — the weekend more than half gone, and the garish tomorrow fiendishly well in sight. Clock-produced time a fascinating fantasy fueled primarily by presupposed notions, or…
Nice warm afternoon here on California’s north coast with a bit of sunshine and a gentle breeze. Not so for the US mid-section — from the National Weather Service: An outbreak of severe storms is…
High overcast and chilly this finally-Friday morning here on California’s north coast — a short work week, but a long slog to get through it. Although officially still spring, summer, for all real intentions is…
Clear, quiet and seemingly calm this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — I say ‘seemingly’ because you really never know. First work day for the average asshole after the Memorial Day weekend, and shit…
High overcast and a little on the chilled side this early Wednesday on California’s north coast — halfway through the work week and the sailing is choppy. The grind of daily life does get tedious.…
Overcast and some ground fog this early Friday on California’s north coast as we attempt to slide right into the weekend without too much crap — weather up here has tended back to the normal…