Pipe Dream Hallucination
February 26, 2013Tuesday morning cold and clear on California’s north coast with rain predicted for this afternoon and tomorrow, but this is 2013, not 1963 — we’re in the formative stages of the real tempest in a…
Tuesday morning cold and clear on California’s north coast with rain predicted for this afternoon and tomorrow, but this is 2013, not 1963 — we’re in the formative stages of the real tempest in a…
(Illustration found here). Clear and cold this early Wednesday morning on California’s north coast and although we experienced hail, snow flurries and rain yesterday morning, the sun came out later on and life was nice.…
High overcast this early Monday morning on California’s north coast with no stars and a chilly wind. The last few days have been near-gorgeous, but we’re expecting a fairly-good size storm for Tuesday or Wednesday…
Clear and a bit chilly this early Friday morning along California’s northern coast and a good wrap-on-the-knuckles to start the weekend. We gotta get through this day first — our little, blue planet will get…
Clear and a bit on the warm side this early Monday morning along California’s northern coast, and the air is apparently so clean, the muffled roar of the Pacific can be easily heard from my…
Clear and cold this early Friday morning on California’s northern coast, and although rain has been forecast, hopefully today (and the weekend) will be like this past week — warm and sunny. Not warm and…
Cloudy with a chilly wind this Tuesday morning along California’s north coast with some good rainfall forecast for later today and tomorrow. Unfortunately, my next-door apartment neighbor left their back patio light on and I…
Rain and warm this early Monday morning along California’s northern coast, encountering another apparent routine weather observation up here. It’s been wet lately, but with it has come the warm. This is winter — we…
Cloudy and rainy this Saturday morning on California’s north coast, creating an Old Testament-gothic-like feeling of sadness and depression. Except — just now seen from my back patio, a small hole opening in the thick-cloud…
Overcast, quiet and warm this early Friday on California’s north coast — so still crickets can be heard faintly chirping. Just a few days ago, there was frost on the ground and freezing temperatures. In…