Category Archives: Environment

Obama At COP26: ‘Nowhere Near Where We Need To Be’

November 8, 2021

Dark overcast this late-afternoon Monday here in California’s Central Valley — rain maybe tonight and in the morning. Barack Obama spoke today at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, and despite being enthusiastically applauded,…

Tower Of Lies And Fraud: ‘Hard To Imagine’ How Shitty The Future

November 8, 2021

Couple of important, and deadly news stories this Monday morning (among a shitload, I know), which paint a terrible future. First and most immediate — COVID is now indeed a Red beast: (Illustration: Source: New…

Sunday Serenade Silently Screaming — ‘Into The fog Where No One Notices The Contrast Of White On White’

November 7, 2021

Leaving the dismal news cycle alone for a bit this Sunday morning, and fastening our anxiety-anxious view to some music I’d listened to or mulled over this past week and on how appropriate the sound…

Greta Thunberg: COP26 No Real Climate Conference, More ‘A Global Greenwashing Festival’

November 6, 2021

Sunshine coupled with cool breezes makes for a fall-like late-afternoon Saturday here in California’s Central Valley — near perfect for tomorrow’s fall-back day. Meanwhile, on the subject of climate and its corresponding weather, COP26 continues…

In Reality Time Climate Change Makes ‘Mother Nature’ Meaner

November 2, 2021

In an attempt this late-afternoon Tuesday to stay away from news on the Virginia governor’s race (too anxiety-like depressing), and the sad shenanigans in DC (Asshole Joe Manchin being an asshole, also down-deep depressing) as…

Climate Change: G20 A Wimpy Bust, Future Of Mankind Might Rest With COP26 — ‘A Daunting Task’

October 31, 2021

Overcast with an occasional splash of faded-yellow sunshine this late afternoon Sunday here in California’s Central Valley — scary-boo night coming, so all is not well. And in a split-screen effect today, just as the…

On The Eve Of COP26, The Climate Looks Bad — ‘Time Has Passed For Diplomatic Niceties’

October 30, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Increasing Forest Fire Activity,’ (watercolor and colored pencil, 2015), by Jill Pelto, and found here). On the eve of the UN climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, our environment is reeling from one catastrophe to…

UN Emissions Report: Cuts Won’t Check It – A ‘Thundering Wake Up Call’ For World Leaders And Our Current Path Of Destruction

October 26, 2021

Sunshine and clear skies this late-afternoon Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley as we return to normalcy after a brief-flair of a storm this weekend and yesterday — many parts of the state were slammed…

Cold-Coal Joe In A Petri Dish — ‘I Don’t Know Where In The Hell I Belong’

October 26, 2021

(Illustration: Cartoon by Kevin Kallaugher (KAL), and found here). One of the worst people on the planet right now is most-likely Joe Manchin. I know, I know there are murderers out there, rapists, child abusers/pedophiles,…