Atmosphere’s Climate
January 18, 2016Overcast and getting darker this Monday afternoon on California’s north coast as we wait for another big rainstorm due anytime now — and reportedly some strong winds, too, to blow the wet all over everything.…
Overcast and getting darker this Monday afternoon on California’s north coast as we wait for another big rainstorm due anytime now — and reportedly some strong winds, too, to blow the wet all over everything.…
Drizzling rain right now this Sunday afternoon on California’s north coast as apparently the bulk of our latest storm has moved eastward, and maybe down to sprinkles for us by early evening. According to the…
Sunshine on occasion this Thursday morning on California’s north coast, a bright-spot in between sprinkles and outright-rain. Another storm is due in on Friday, and according to the NWS, maybe the next sustained sunshine on…
Cold, drizzling rain this near-noon Wednesday on California’s north coast and we’re expecting maybe some thundershowers later on toward evening. According to the NWS, we should catch a small break tonight and into early Thursday,…
Drizzling rain this noon Tuesday on California’s north coast as our now-normal ‘conveyor-belt’ storm fronts keeps the dull gray overcast drenched across the landscape. Winds are expected to get rowdy later on, the NWS issued…
Rain and darkly overcast this early Monday, the real-start to 2016, and here on California’s north coast, we also commence another in our now-normal, on-going series of ‘conveyor-belt’ weather fronts. According to the NWS, at…
Deeply-overcast and drizzling this noon Sunday on California’s north coast, as the whole region prepares for another roller-coaster weather ride. Big storm due in this afternoon and evening, first in a series supposedly packing way-more…
Once again bright sunshine and cold temperatures here on California’s north coast as another new year arrives, whether we like it or not, and it sure don’t feel like a Friday. And it sure-as-shit don’t…
Clear, bright sunshine and not-so-cold temperatures this Wednesday afternoon on California’s north coast, enveloped in a nice stretch of outside-conditions this week — no rain forecast until Sunday. The NWS is ‘expecting quiet weather‘ to…
Bright sunshine with a whole-lot of cold this Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast as it appears we’ll be rain-free for a few days, with no wet stuff expected until next Sunday. You’d think after…