Fire in the Air
July 27, 2015Sunshine just a little while ago, now coastal fog has replaced the upswing brightness this Monday morning here on California’s north coast, and like a mental patient with mood swings, the shoreline weather is all…
Sunshine just a little while ago, now coastal fog has replaced the upswing brightness this Monday morning here on California’s north coast, and like a mental patient with mood swings, the shoreline weather is all…
Bright and sunny this Saturday afternoon on California’s north coast as we continue onward through the weekend. And on through the summer — supposedly California’s forest-fire season. The burning started earlier this year, if it…
Broken-overcast this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, with sunshine playing a more aggressive part in our morning — hope is for more brightness this afternoon. Yesterday was about the same, too, but little sunshine…
Overcast with some occasional thin-ass sunshine this Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast, and another mundane summer-weather episode for us. Not so last weekend down southern-California way — Science writer Bob Henson at WunderBlog this morning:…
Bright, clear and windy this Friday afternoon on California’s north coast — supposedly we could reach the mid-70s sometime today, even as the entire region is apparently cooling off a bit after a run at…
Bright sunshine and a warm-wispy wind this Thursday afternoon on California’s north coast — the ideal summer day, most-likely about the best it gets. Supposedly about 77-degrees right now, with the interior reading 20-degrees hotter,…
Water liability in the land of the dry — not-so-novel concept to control water use amongst the citizenry. From the Guardian this morning: The 19 people gathered at the community centre in Santa Cruz, a…
Fog-damp and gray this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, another heavy marine layer hamming-up the environment — although yesterday morning looked like right now, the afternoon turned out pretty sweet, with bright sunshine and…
Sunshine peeks through the clouds this Monday morning, breaking the depressing fog-laced gloom of the last few weeks — yesterday’s sunrise actually had some shine to it, and Sunday afternoon was the best little weather…
A thick, gloomy marine fog holds gray-hostage our environment this Friday afternoon on California’s north coast — clouds to the east appear heavy with rain, but apparently it just looks that way — just heavy…