Heat and Hot
July 24, 2014Clear as a bell this early Thursday on California’s north coast, with some stars twinkling round about — long time since I’d seen stars in the morning. Fog is the usual culprit. This is another…
Clear as a bell this early Thursday on California’s north coast, with some stars twinkling round about — long time since I’d seen stars in the morning. Fog is the usual culprit. This is another…
Ground fog again this way-too-early, and way-too-soon Monday as we climb out onto the limb of a work week. Saturday and Sunday appear to pass in a flash — and here we are! This can’t…
(Illustration: ‘The White Tiger of Autumn,’ by Kevin Lee Drum found here). On this early Sunday, the world is in a fog. Here on California’s north coast, it’s literal — deep, ground fog, a normal,…
Ground fog again this early Thursday on California’s north coast as the work week starts to grind down toward the finish line of Friday afternoon. The weekend is now in plain sight. Yesterday, one discovery…
Fog again this early Wednesday on California’s north coast as we quickly work forward — today is the fall day toward the weekend. Hip-hip hooray! Although the NWS calls it “patchy fog,” the shit here…
Fog and silence this early Friday on California’s north coast and we finally have the weekend staring us in the face. Weather is typical summer here — fog in the morning, sunshine and wind in…
Fog and a warm breeze this early Wednesday on California’s north coast — and warm is not like in hot, but more like in not-so chilly. And so it goes. Short and literary-dramatic, direct and…
Ground fog and a bit warm this way-too-early Monday on California’s north coast as another work week starts whether we like it or not — not! Those last two days appear much-much shorter than those…
Truth always trumps — no matter an impossible-case reporting what’s right. Case in point: Glenn Greenwald, in an interview last month: “The key to the social control was the possibility that they could be watched…
(Illustration found here). Just as everything got worse, it did — dust blown thousands of miles is darkening ice on earth’s glaciers and in the Arctic, eliminating “albedo,” the process of ice reflecting sunlight, adding…