zimmering zen
July 16, 2013Overcast again this Tuesday morning as if the season up here on California’s north coast, but again, too, a bit on the chilly side as we troll through the week watching the world crumble. In…
Overcast again this Tuesday morning as if the season up here on California’s north coast, but again, too, a bit on the chilly side as we troll through the week watching the world crumble. In…
Sad news now a couple of weeks old — one of the way-best data/info sites on the InterWebs will soon go ‘archive‘ only and a neat, educated voice in the ether will go quiet. The…
Fog-bound again this early Thursday and a bit on the chilly side for this part of California’s northern coast — the sunshine will burn through before mid-day, always does. Life is expectant. The NSA/surveillance shit-storm…
A bit of lingering fog this early Monday on California’s north coast with most-beautiful weather continuing on into a new work week. However, it’s pretty-much shitsville everywhere else. Nineteen firefighters were killed yesterday in Arizona —…
Heavy ground fog this way-early Thursday along California’s north coast, and way-quiet, too. The usual noise from the Pacific Ocean, only about a mile or so away, can’t be heard at all. Up high, though,…
Raining again this Tuesday morning on California’s north coast and the world keeps right-on skipping to a drumming noise on the roof, or is that the news media? As we speak (or write), Ed Snowden’s…
Once again it’s already middle of the week — time flies when shit runs supreme. And a lot of it does stick to the wall. Another foggy early morning here on California’s north coast as…
Yesterday afternoon, two kids from my town introduced President Obama at a White House reception for LGBT Pride Month, and they nailed it, even outshining the president. Twin sisters and third-graders Zea and Luna Weiss-Wynne…
Another dark, gloomy and overcast morning here on California’s north coast, though, as a Thursday, we’re much closer to the weekend than we were yesterday. Which does say something, but what? And as times passes,…
A little overcast, and a bit more chilly this Sunday morning on California’s north coast, and already I’ve been drinking in enough InterWeb-shit on leaking bad stuff and whistleblowers in general, making the pointing out…