Cronkite Continued
July 18, 2009All the blubbering coming from broadcast news last night on the death of Walter Cronkite yesterday made me want to grab a barf bag and run away. These talking twit-heads on TV are nothing but…
All the blubbering coming from broadcast news last night on the death of Walter Cronkite yesterday made me want to grab a barf bag and run away. These talking twit-heads on TV are nothing but…
End of trust and straight-talk – Walter Cronkite died today at age 92.  (Illustration found here). In memory, Ben Bradlee with a piece posted today in Newsweek on Cronkite and Watergate: In October 1972, Cronkite devoted two segments,…
I didn’t think the Emmys had the grapes — not like that time they nominated Vince Edwards: He’s just a damn doctor, Jim. (Illustration found here). Who said Seth MacFarlane is imbecilic? Go ahead, you homo, tell…
Last fall, I read Frederick Forsyth’s The Afghan, which contains a view of the riot/battle at Qala-i-Jangi fort in November, 2001, exposing the US public to a view of some ferocious insurgency fighting in those…
SOS (same-old-shit) — blame outside influences, but this time with a twist. Instead of the standard Great Satan of the US, it’s the UK: In his speech during Friday prayers, Khamenei played on the historic…
Still more grim news, but today’s particular sack of shit is more ethics and morals than anything else. Three stories that reflect our times — strange/bad and getting worse — and how lopsided situations have become as…
Villager #1: We have found a witch. May we burn her? Crowd: Burn her! Burn! Burn her! Burn her! Bedevere: How do you know she is a witch? Villager #2: She looks like one. Crowd:…
Change out my wizened, ancient ass! Yesterday from CREW  — Citizens for Responsibility And Ethics In Washington — on the so-called Valerie Plame Wilson episode: CREW learned today that the Obama administration is opposing our request that…
Talk about being lost after eight years of failure on so many different levels! It is uncertain whether the Air Force will be able to acquire new satellites in time to maintain current GPS service…
The terror/shame of America. (Illustration found here). Similar to peeling the layers off one rotten-assed onion, the horrors of the last presidential administration continues to strike nausea and shame into the very hearts of any…