Tag Archives: California drought

Climate Change And ‘Stayin’ Alive’

July 16, 2021

Genius in rhythm and time — saw this earlier today at Miss Cellania‘s and it’s one of those can’t-look-away thingies: Now, guaranteed to bring you right back down — weather-impacts off climate change are being…

Current Heat Waves Made Way-Worse By Climate Change, And We Get That Important Knowledge Quicker — Good Or Bad?

July 13, 2021

In surfing the InterWebs this afternoon, scrolling across news stories on Joe Biden’s speech, COVID anti-vaxxers, Texas Demo legislators fleeing the state to keep Repubs from choking-to-death the right to vote, a new T-Rump book…

Fire On The Power — California Electrical Grid Threatened By Oregon Blaze: A Scenario That ‘Does Not Represent Random Bad Luck’

July 12, 2021

A bit cooler than ‘normal‘ this late-morning Monday here in California’s Central Valley, though, we’re scheduled for triple-digit temperatures again today, it’s off the full-blown crazy of this past weekend. Supposedly, we’re on a downward…

Current Heat Waves ‘Is Bringing Us Into Uncharted Territory’ With Climate Change

July 9, 2021

Good afternoon. Warmer-than-warm this Friday — started this post originally for yesterday afternoon, but got sidesteped by an earthquake, nothing heavy. After the excitement, the settling-down and figuring-out what to do, I guickly banged out…

Dreaded ‘Dome’ Returns/Continues/Never Went Away — Boiling-Hot Temperatures Coming Quickly For US West, Canada

July 7, 2021

Another post of weather and climate, brought-on this time by forecasts for my little bit of ground here in California’s Central Valley to undergo maybe a ‘sun’s anvil‘ facsimile of mega-hot days, and, shit-on-a-stick, will…

Climate Change Is Here! — Part Infinity

July 3, 2021

(Illustration: ‘Landscape of Change,’ by Jill Pelto, and found here). Hot and dry this Saturday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley, and though it’s warm, it’s nothing like the last week or so. Outside it’s…

Michael Mann: ‘That Heat Dome? Yeah, It’s Climate Change’

June 30, 2021

As weather/climate change has become a major, near-continous, much-copious series of news stories, this a fortuitous film moment in Kansas: Not much information beyond the video — did find this via Yahoo: ‘In the midst…