Stonewall Lying — Part Deux
April 9, 2019Sunshine, thick-white clouds and a goodly breeze. The Little River Beach was superb this morning when I finally took Cowboy and Kuru for their walk — good time had by all. Meanwhile, also from this…
Sunshine, thick-white clouds and a goodly breeze. The Little River Beach was superb this morning when I finally took Cowboy and Kuru for their walk — good time had by all. Meanwhile, also from this…
(Illustration found here). One good ground-gainer in all this horrifying news-life cycle-shit, and something which not too long ago would be considered a major no-no, especially while running for president of the United States, and apparently,…
(Illustration: ‘Cannabis,’ by Michael Creese, found here). Faded-bright sky with chilly air this late-afternoon Tuesday on California’s north coast, a beautiful sunshine day, though, and Samoa Beach was again gorgeously tranquil. The NWS forecasts ‘Mostly Sunny‘…
(Illustration above: Pablo Picasso’s ‘Weeping Woman,’ found here). Punch-back is in the wind — good attitude already from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who today took rightful-issue with White House spin-noddle Kellyanne Conway on reality, not “alternative facts.”…
(Illustration found here) Bright-sunny Wednesday here on California’s north coast, a bit of chill was in the ocean breeze, though, and now near evening-dark, there’s a bite to the cool — clear usually means cold,…
Overcast and chilly this Wednesday evening here on California’s north coast — winter’s about here… Beyond our aggravating political circus, this afternoon I spied a couple of new studies on marijuana, both furthering normalization. First…
Bright sunshine this near-noon Thursday melding with only a wisp of wind, producing what could be called a ‘heat wave‘ for here on California’s north coast. However, inland just a short space and an actual…
Finally, a lifting of a tedious marine-layer this late afternoon Tuesday on California’s north coast, allowing some faded-yellow sunshine to drive away the gray. We continue our fog-bound trek to summer — officially, just over…
Rain and gusty wind this late Wednesday afternoon on California’s north coast as we continue with a wet-weather season that just don’t want to end. Reportedly, next decent break is maybe Saturday afternoon — all…
Occasional bright sunshine this mid-morning Tuesday on California’s north coast, though, most of the time, the tone is more faded yellow than sparkle. We’re forecast for some heavy weather the next two-three days, maybe later today…