Obvious — Yet, Maybe Not
December 19, 2010Watching daylight turn into rain, there comes a feeling that what is perceived as reality is just noise to a lot of people, creating a blip in the mojo, a trip in the ether, and…
Watching daylight turn into rain, there comes a feeling that what is perceived as reality is just noise to a lot of people, creating a blip in the mojo, a trip in the ether, and…
A lot of viewpoints have changed in a real-short period of time. Only in the last few weeks have I began to fathom the understanding President Obama might just be a one-termer — a concept…
One of the most compelling, thought-provoking and candid assessments on the state of the planet came this week from a Native American educator, who bares the reality of both history and the terror of nowadays.…
Some serious-looking stuff there, just down the road a-coming. (Illustration found here). As I’ve mentioned before on this blog — to the mega-scant regular readers (on average) — life has become so physically dysphoric in…
(Illustration found here). Yesterday from the mouth of the heartless insane — via UPI: U.S. Rep. John Boehner, the incoming House speaker, described a Democratic move Thursday to limit the extension of the Bush tax…
Hope is a dim bulb for “CopenCun” — so nicknamed the UN climate summit which begins Monday in Cancún, Mexico — in that maybe some of the agreements wished-for during last year’s Copenhagen confluence disaster…
“Step out the front door like a ghost into the fog where no one notices the contrast of white on white.” — Round Here, Counting Crows (Illustration found here). This morning for damn sure it’s…
(Illustration found here). Another dire study on the state of nowadays. Although climate change, peak oil and all the assorted ugliness associated with both have been flashed around the news wire for months, if not…
(Illustration found here). The good-ole US of A has gone to shit in a wire basket. Or have we been in the shitter a long, long time — take the case of the so-called Great…
In just a few words, the current plight of mankind: “It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now…