Tag Archives: Environment

Arctic Ice Melt: ‘A Canary in the Coalmine’

June 18, 2019

Bright sunshine and a cool breeze this early-evening Tuesday on California’s north coast — another good-as-it-gets episode. According to the Northern California Weather Blog, posted yesterday, there’s another High pressure system along the shoreline, making…

Deleted Climate Change Testimony: ‘Heavily Biased Toward Alarm’

June 11, 2019

Sunshine and hot this early-evening Tuesday here on California’s north coast, balmy it be — the NWS reports 82-degrees right now in Arcata, and will supposedly stay way-warm until dark. Although not really what you’d…

Guardian: ‘Climate Emergency, Crisis or Breakdown’ Instead of Passive ‘Change’

May 17, 2019

Seemingly-white sunshine this Friday afternoon on California’s north coast, the brightness of the low-hanging clouds appears to bleach the air — warm, too. We did get some decent sun this morning, then on occasion, and…

Trump’s Nuclear-War Prep: ‘A Recipe For A Horror Show’

March 14, 2019

Just when the black-comedy shit gets real, and it’s WTF: One of the few actual capabilities of the T-Rump is in sowing uneducated chaos — an acknowledgment of that talent last month from Joe Balash,…

Climate-Change Action ‘An All-Hands-On-Deck Moment’

March 13, 2019

(Illustration found here). Sundown Wednesday here on California’s north coast, clear, dying-gray skies, touched along the westward edges with a little bright tinge, a sense of approaching dark. Chilly, though, as it’s been since about…