Tag Archives: Environment

‘There is no doubt’ — Oceans Bombarded ‘One Atomic Bomb Explosion Per Second’

January 7, 2019

(Illustration: Salvador Dali’s ‘Hell Canto 2: Giants,’ found here). Another brick in the wall of climate change, probably, and way-most-likely the biggest, nastiest danger facing all of us right now — despite the horror of the…

Global ‘Warming’ Has Become Global ‘Heating’

December 14, 2018

(Illustration found here). As our environmental situation shifts, the phrase, ‘climate change,’ and even ‘global warming,’ don’t express the reality — from Commondreams yesterday: “I’ve worked on this for 30 years and I’ve never been as…

Just the Facts, Ma’am

December 12, 2018

(Illustration above: Pablo Picasso’s ‘Weeping Woman,’ found here). Punch-back is in the wind — good attitude already from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who today took rightful-issue with White House spin-noddle Kellyanne Conway on reality, not “alternative facts.”…

Weathering the Climate

December 9, 2018

(Illustration: Artwork from the UN’s International Children’s Painting Competition, found here). Raindrops and gray — a wet-touch with color for this early-evening Sunday here on California’s north coast, the air all day clipped by some…

Climate and the Weather

December 5, 2018

(Illustration found here) Bright-sunny Wednesday here on California’s north coast, a bit of chill was in the ocean breeze, though, and now near evening-dark, there’s a bite to the cool — clear usually means cold,…

‘What Mess They Have Created’

December 4, 2018

A child will lead us, though, maybe too late — the UN climate conference in Katowice, Poland, is happening now, and today 15-year-old Greta Thunberg laid-down the real: “For 25 years countless people have come…

‘The Confused US President’ and ‘Self-reinforcing Feedbacks’

December 1, 2018

Once again, Argentina doesn’t cry: Something moronic and oafish comes our way, represents us on a literal world stage: After pausing for a couple photos, Trump is seen on video shaking Macri’s hand and then…

‘This Giant Disconnect’ — “…they said I looked like Elvis”

November 26, 2018

Another Monday here on California’s north coast, and another lark of sorrow — the T-Rump’s hard-headed, bat-shit-crazy take on that devastating climate-change report from last Friday (HuffPost): “I don’t believe it,” he told reporters outside…

Climate Change — Tossed in the Friday News Dump

November 23, 2018

Insult to injury sort of, climate change continues unabated — new report yesterday on greenhouse gases from the World Meteorological Organization Bad bottom line per Common Dreams: “The last time the Earth experienced a comparable…