Tax Twist
February 23, 2015Bright afternoon sun with a chilled wind here on California’s north coast — nice if you’ve got some type break from that sharp, Alaska-tinted breeze. Tax season in the wind, too, as we’re almost into…
Bright afternoon sun with a chilled wind here on California’s north coast — nice if you’ve got some type break from that sharp, Alaska-tinted breeze. Tax season in the wind, too, as we’re almost into…
Way-windy with some light rain this early Thursday on California’s north coast, a hazy hint of light building in the east — waiting for a supposed whopper of a rainstorm, maybe allowing for up to…
A clear and cold early Monday here on California’s north coast, a few wispy clouds scattered about a whitening sky, otherwise, appears plenty of shine a-coming. Supposedly, rain free until at least next week. In…
Thick-overcast clouds amongst some early sunlight this Thursday morning here on California’s north coast, and once again, feels cold. Not all that cold, though, right now near 50 and forecast is for the low 60s…
Despite a beautiful, sunshine-filled early morning, Monday afternoon finds itself wet once again — rain here on California’s north coast as the NWS terms it ‘isolated rain showers,’ but as reality reveals, it’s not all…
Clear, clean sunshine this Friday morning on California’s north coast — not a cloud in sight, and frost on nearby rooftops, first time this year, I recollect. Thirty-three degrees reportedly within the hour right now,…
High overcast and a bit on the chilly side this early Wednesday on California’s north coast — heavy rain expected later today, on Thursday, too, and maybe, just maybe, some sunshine on Friday. Last week,…
Rain again this Saturday morning on California’s north coast, with that sunshine scheduled for next Tuesday, already pushed back to Thursday, and today’s rainfall supposedly heavy at times, totals maybe an inch. Beyond the fractured…
Becoming a dull overcast Wednesday afternoon here on California’s north coast — rain maybe tomorrow, and some heavy wet by Friday, and continuing on through the weekend. And as we plunge forward into the total-crazed…
Approaching the evening of one gorgeous Tuesday — weather-wise — here on California’s north coast with clear skies, temperatures in the mid-60s, and forecast for an even warmer tomorrow. Rain penciled-in for Thanksgiving, though, and…