Tag Archives: History

Massive Methane Digits — Climate Change’s ‘Fire-Alarm Moment’

January 8, 2022

Foggy and damp this Saturday evening here in California’s Central Valley — weathering the weather has always been a part of life’s story, except nowadays there’s an endgame included and it’s shitty. And climate-changing that…

Poll Finds America Anxiety Ridden: The Past Two Years — ‘Mentally, It Was Awful’

January 8, 2022

Life is getting a bit on the mental-breakdown side of the fencepost: Details via Yahoo News this morning: An overwhelming majority of Americans believe the U.S. is in the grips of a full-blown mental health…

Ironic Insanity

January 7, 2022

A way-politicalized, straight-on clip that’s now all over the InterWebs since this morning, sure you’ve probably already seen it — I’m just going to pop it here where I can click on the post (especially…

‘Are You Seeing What’s On The TV Right Now?’ — One Year Later

January 6, 2022

My youngest daughter called me from Minnesota today one year ago. She sounded taken-way-aback, and a bit frightful — “Are you seeing what’s on the TV right now,” she nearly cried. “Duh!” I quickly replied.…

Jen Psaki: Jan. 6 ‘Tragic Culmination’ Of Horror-Years Of The T-Rump

January 5, 2022

Thick fog covering the just-turning-dark this Wednesday here in California’s Central Valley — a depressing look to say the way-minimum, but that’s the current motif seemingly embedded in our psyche nowadays. All looney tunes with…

Lying Is In The Republican DNA — Jan. 6 Insurrectionists/Rioters Were Only ‘Protecting Democracy’

January 4, 2022

Darkness already this early-evening Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — despite it being night-like outside, darkness has been known to lie. Even when it’s obvious: A crucial point from Wendy Weiser, vice president for…

America’s Reality-Time Check On Our System: ‘We Are Losing Our Democracy Day By Day’ — Yet The Media Fails To Instill The Danger/Importance

January 3, 2022

(Illustration: Pablo Picasso’s ‘Guernica,’ and found here). Another gloomy-gus democracy on the brink poll — via NPR this morning, though, the results indicate the lying, rot-backside to the destruction of the American experience: A new NPR/Ipsos…

Snowflakes Horsing Around In The Snow

January 3, 2022

Mainly overcast, though, some faded-yellow sunshine appears occasionally here this mid-day Monday in California’s Central Valley — not bad considering Joe Biden’s return to DC earlier this morning: Report via NY1: A snowstorm in Washington,…

Gloomy Year To Come Despite Desire For A ‘Fairer Future’

January 2, 2022

Second day of 2022 and the feeling continues to reflect not-happy for Americans — new poll results (The Hill this morning): ‘Indeed, more than one-half (51-percent) of voters say that the U.S. democracy is at…

Republicans Are Liars Who Lie About COVID — New Study: ‘More Trust Participants Reported In Then-President Trump … The More Likely They Were To Subsequently Contract The Virus’

January 1, 2022

As a reminder — like you need one — that Republicans spread false shit about COVID on a constant basis comes from this latest story of GQP imbecilic nonsense they personally themselves don’t believe. In…