‘Little Boy’ Mon Amour
August 6, 2014Deep ground fog this early Wednesday here on California’s north coast, and a bit on the chilly side, as we clutch our way on down through the work week. Hard to fathom the summer’s almost…
Deep ground fog this early Wednesday here on California’s north coast, and a bit on the chilly side, as we clutch our way on down through the work week. Hard to fathom the summer’s almost…
Thick ground fog this early Monday on California’s north coast as the weekend becomes history with toil and labor and nonsensical work all in a conspiracy to make me sad. Doesn’t matter, most-everybody is unhappy…
(Illustration: Police escort children away from Sandy Hook Elementary School, December 2012, found here. And a shooting Tuesday at a high school in Oregon was the 74th such event since then). This is one freaked-out-crazy…
Clear, quiet and seemingly calm this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — I say ‘seemingly’ because you really never know. First work day for the average asshole after the Memorial Day weekend, and shit…
Clear and chilly this way-too-early and coming-way-too-soon Monday morning as we start our waltz into summer. Years ago, June to September lasted forever — now WTF is 90 days? And, of course, today is Memorial…
High overcast and way-quiet this early Monday on California’s north coast. I can’t even hear the Pacific Ocean, only a couple of miles away, as the morning sound so full of stillness it’s kind of…
Clearly not an optimistic view of the near-future — last week, from the best news source up here on California’s north shoreline, the Lost Coast Outpost: When a security alarm went off a little after…
Clear with some of those tiny-wisp of clouds high up this early Thursday on California’s north coast — a hot one yesterday, but according to the weather people, the peak of the heat has passed.…
Stars twinkling in a clear sky this early Thursday on California’s north coast with an unusually-strong breeze, too. A warm-like wind I might add. Although we’re not supposed to keep our high temperatures — we…
Clear-as-a-bell and chilly this early Wednesday on California’s north coast with rain apparently gone for awhile — warmer temperatures and sunny skies are forecast for the next week or so. Although we had some strong…