Torture the Truth
April 8, 2014Low overcast and ground fog this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, and a bit on the warm side, too. Another typical Humboldt County weather situation — fog with splashes of sunshine. Beyond the continuing…
Low overcast and ground fog this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, and a bit on the warm side, too. Another typical Humboldt County weather situation — fog with splashes of sunshine. Beyond the continuing…
Drizzling rain and chilly this early Tuesday on California’s north coast with extra precipitation forecast for the rest of the day. Tomorrow and the rest of the week is expected to be rain-free, and maybe…
Another off little Eddie’s never-ending entrée-menu (via the Guardian): The National Security Agency and its UK counterpart GCHQ have been developing capabilities to take advantage of “leaky” smartphone apps, such as the wildly popular Angry…
Clear and chilly this way-too-early Thursday here on California’s north coast — and apparently earthquake weather, too. We had a 4.7 last night, but I didn’t feel a thing — it was located more than…
Clear and near-balmy this early Friday on California’s north coast as we rally for the weekend. Once again this morning, the moon hangs like a white-bright-eye in the western sky. And speaking of the eye…
Clear and feeling a bit warmer, too, this early Wednesday on California’s north coast — the moon a bright light in the western sky. Mid-week move-a-long. A couple of privacy spots this morning, both leading…
Occasional sunshine and a bit warmer than usual this afternoon on California’s north coast — not bad by any means, but way-different than the US Northeast, where right now 22 states and 100 million people…
Bright sunshine and cold air this afternoon on California’s north coast, ending another work week, and near-about ending a whole year. Peculiar how quickly 2013 has bled away — seemingly the fastest year, ever. I’m…
Clear and chilly this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — the half-moon hangs gently to the south, easing westward over the Pacific. There’s a holiday this week, but it’s all bullshit. Bonkers and shakers:…
Apparently, the clock moves much-faster on Saturday and Sunday than during the rest of the week, which is the only explanation for it being Monday again. And it’s clear and cold up here on California’s…