Bare Shoulders And Naked Idiots — Republicans Being Asshole Shitheads

January 14, 2023

(‘Venus de Milo‘ being indecently seen at The Louvre — image found here.)

Upset in the sea of idiocy by everything Republican, Missouri’s House of Representatives went a hundred steps further last week and adopted a new dress code — for women legislators only. And forbid the sight of a woman’s shoulders uncovered.
Noted via NPR: ‘Republican state Rep. Ann Kelley proposed an amendment that would require women to wear jackets — defined as both blazers and knit blazers — because “it is essential to always maintain a formal and professional atmosphere.”

Although no update on men’s attire, the shit was indecent. And the wonderful Alexandra Petri at The Washington Post yesterday hit the mark on the nonsensical, bewildering saga:

The good people of the state of Missouri had been cowering for months in a state of panic, knowing that unless prompt, legislative action was taken on the very first day of the new session, some Missourian lawgiver might, without any warning, see a woman’s shoulder. I almost do not want to type it! I am sorry that you had to read the word, which may have forced you to picture one in your mind and derailed your legislative business for the month. Sh***der. That is better. I have already done too much harm.

Imagine the shock and horror of seeing a shoulder that belonged to a woman who was using it at the time! The mind reels. The jaw drops to the floor. I can think of nothing less respectful. A shoulder, covered not with a blazer, but with some sort of unstructured wrap — unthinkable! An abomination in the eyes of the law, and of all right-thinking citizens!

The new rule states that “proper attire for women shall be business attire, including jackets worn with dresses, skirts, or slacks, and dress shoes or boots.” Sweaters, formerly permitted, are right out! Cardigans were a subject of debate on the floor — could one possibly be adequate to do the duty of a blazer? After all, this is the Missouri legislature, not a Taylor Swift album! They had to think of the consequences.

I once saw a woman’s shoulder — in fact, two shoulders — not covered by a blazer. She was in a dress, supplemented by a drape of some kind, but that, as the legislators wisely noted in their statute, was not enough. It was a statue, on the top of the United States Capitol; I do not know what sick, disrespectful pervert put it there, but I am still recovering from the ordeal.

I thank the gods that I am not a male legislator (the ones most devastatingly affected by such sights). I read a story that one saw the Venus de Milo by mistake (he heard it was art) and is still in a hospital, groaning in agony.

Missouri Democrat Rep. Pete Merideth called hypocrisy: ‘“The caucus that lost their minds over the suggestion that they should wear masks during a pandemic to respect the safety of others is now spending its time focusing on the fine details of what women have to wear (and specifically how many layers must cover their arms) to show respect in this chamber.”

In the same neck of the shoulder in the woods:

Insane bordering on crazy, yet pure asshole.

Meanwhile, to escape that frenzy of crazy insanity, binge on “Andor,” now streaming on Disney +, and the series is really, really good. Finally finished the entire 12-episode run last night, and it’s the best ‘Star Wars‘ appendage yet! Supposedly, a second season has been okayed — can’t wait.
The trailer:

Not to spin a spoiler, but a showdown in episode 11 with an Empire battle cruiser by Stellan Skarsgård is a delight — the asshole Empire apparatus gets a fuck-you comeuppance!

Unclothed, naked shoulder of a stormtrooper or not, once again here we are…

(Illustration out front: Salvador Dalí’s 1958 painting, “Meditative Rose,” and found here.)

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