Presser Pulp-Fiction
January 12, 2017Clear and sunshine this early Thursday on California’s north coast as we catch a break from the wet weather — supposedly ‘Mostly Sunny‘ through early next week. Surreal is a tip-top word to continue into 2017…
Clear and sunshine this early Thursday on California’s north coast as we catch a break from the wet weather — supposedly ‘Mostly Sunny‘ through early next week. Surreal is a tip-top word to continue into 2017…
Misty drizzle this early Wednesday on California’s north coast as the latest rainstorm winds down — maybe sunshine tomorrow. Big splash across the news-wires last night (BuzzFeed): A dossier making explosive — but unverified —…
Rain and blustery wind continues this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, with another biggie-drench forecast for later this morning. The NWS has also warned the shoreline could experience wind gusts up to 45 mph,…
T-Rump is such an asshole in so many different venues, hard to keep count. Meryl Streep cited just one example last night — and apparently so shit-shook the T-Rump he idiot-twitted, of course — and another…
Rain in buckets-full this early Monday on California’s north coast, and some blustery winds, too. Just another episode of the rain-laden storms sweeping across the West Coast this week, and apparently no end in sight…
Rain-to-drizzle-to-rain again this Saturday morning on the storm-tossed northern California coast — under the sweep of several ‘atmospheric rivers’ for the next week to 10 days. According to the NWS, those storms will bring ‘copious…
Dark-thirty already this early Friday evening on California’s north coast, looming overcast the preview of some supposedly wet rainstorms this weekend — yes, ‘storms,’ as in plural, more-than-one, the first tomorrow night, the others coming…
Bright-sunshine and cold air this early Thursday on California’s north coast — right now, well into the morning, and we’re at just above freezing after striking a pre-dawn low of 29-degrees earlier. Dry and cold…
Sunshine bright and beautiful on an early Wednesday here on California’s north coast. A glaring respite to a string of storm systems that’s been rolling across our region — a couple of days of sun-and-semi-sun,…
Rain, and more rain this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — way-wet today and tomorrow, supposedly sunshine by Thursday. Weathering the time, too, of shit to come, at the expense of most folks. A…