Extreme Percent
March 2, 2015Overcast and chilly for a way-too-early Monday on California’s north coast — supposedly, the NWS expects maybe a 40 percent chance of rain for us this morning, but forecasts sunshine for at least the next…
Overcast and chilly for a way-too-early Monday on California’s north coast — supposedly, the NWS expects maybe a 40 percent chance of rain for us this morning, but forecasts sunshine for at least the next…
Dawn’s rain this early Friday on California’s north coast — the heavy stuff arriving earlier with a good downpour after midnight. Dark and wet and gloomy as we quickly finish-off February’s rapid exposure, and attempt…
Rain spatters on the back patio this afternoon on California’s north coast, but only a little bit at a time, way less than a drizzle, and really not much more than a damp wind. Supposedly,…
Clear and cold again this early Thursday on California’s north coast, working our way toward some rain supposedly coming this evening, or there-abouts, but supposedly pretty certain by tomorrow morning — the NWS doesn’t call…
Bright with a stiff chilly wind this afternoon on California’s north coast — another day in the retired life. The ongoing science-reality, horror-saga of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant continues, now approaching the fourth anniversary…
Overcast this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, and the NWS claims right now we’re just a few degrees above freezing — before sun up, clear and cold, which morphed into the current cloudy and…
Light brimming from the east this early Tuesday on California’s north coast as another cold and clear day continues the streak, at least supposedly until tomorrow maybe, or by Thursday when rain is scheduled —…
Bright afternoon sun with a chilled wind here on California’s north coast — nice if you’ve got some type break from that sharp, Alaska-tinted breeze. Tax season in the wind, too, as we’re almost into…
Clear sunrise and cold air this early Monday on California’s north coast, we’re just a few degrees above freezing, and the morning feels it. Forecast is for rain by Thursday, or earlier, and wet on-and-off…
Clear with a wisp of ground fog this early Friday on California’s north coast — and a cold chill accompanying a brightening sky to the east. We’re set supposedly for ‘mostly sunny’ through the end…