Vinnie’s Sister
December 10, 2014Today Emily Dickinson would be 184 — a nice, round, unobtrusive age for someone who’d been wonderful to have known at least for a time, brief or not, during those first 56 years. Dickinson has…
Today Emily Dickinson would be 184 — a nice, round, unobtrusive age for someone who’d been wonderful to have known at least for a time, brief or not, during those first 56 years. Dickinson has…
Howling wind blowing a future wet here this early Wednesday on California’s north coast as we get prepared for some heavy rain coming this morning and lasting apparently through the weekend. We are expected at…
Thickly-overcast and gloomy this Tuesday evening here on this little stretch of California’s north coast — rain a-coming big-time. Today is also torture-awareness day (via The Daily Beast): ‘Interrogations that lasted for days on end.…
Rain showers this early Monday on California’s north coast — forecast for maybe some sun tomorrow, but reportedly a big-bang storm due in about mid-week — we’re scheduled perhaps for nearly 2.5 inches of rain…
Today marks the 73rd commemoration of the ‘Day of Infamy,’ the Japanese bombing of the US Naval Base at Peal Harbor. In a ceremony this morning, more than 50 WWII veterans remembered Dec. 7, 1941,…
Considered ‘partly cloudy,’ right now, though maybe in a few minutes the word, ‘partly,’ will be replaced by its opposite, ‘wholly,’ as heavy rain is forecast for this afternoon on this little stretch of California’s…
Super-bright sunshine this Thursday morning on California’s north coast, or maybe the luminosity appears intense after the last few days of thick clouds and rain. We’re still forecast for rain showers today, and heavy downpour…
Rain and more rain this Wednesday morning on California’s north coast, but we get breaks between downpours, sometimes even with sunshine, but nothing like down in LA County — Meteorologist Curt Kaplan: ‘“Yesterday, we had…
Thick overcast this early Tuesday on California’s north coast as rain continues its work, though, the NWS calls it ‘showers‘ and not actual full-blown rain. Drizzle? Down south in the Bay Area this morning, however,…
Sunshine splashed with clouds this Monday afternoon on California’s north coast — only rain so far was early this morning, but more is expected before this particular front calls it quits. One of the big…