Group suck
June 13, 2013Americans’ view of Congress would be laughable if the national situation didn’t suck so bad. And Americans know it: Americans’ confidence in Congress as an institution is down to 10 percent, ranking the legislative body…
Americans’ view of Congress would be laughable if the national situation didn’t suck so bad. And Americans know it: Americans’ confidence in Congress as an institution is down to 10 percent, ranking the legislative body…
Another dark, gloomy and overcast morning here on California’s north coast, though, as a Thursday, we’re much closer to the weekend than we were yesterday. Which does say something, but what? And as times passes,…
Another overcast early morning here on California’s north coast, this the mid-week edition of life as society goes semi-berserk, or something. Blowback: An intelligence term for adverse, unintended consequences of secret operations. The CIA first…
Overcast and quiet this early Tuesday on California’s coast, and despite some breaks in the cloud cover, there’s no view of the mysterious Gamma Delphinid meteor shower expected to pass earth this morning. Somebody will shoot…
High overcast with a slightly-chilled wind this way-early Monday as we carrom into another new work week, leaving behind the rat-tailed dump of private-first-class droppings — or what’s now called, ‘Boundless Informant.’ Apparently, there’s no…
A little overcast, and a bit more chilly this Sunday morning on California’s north coast, and already I’ve been drinking in enough InterWeb-shit on leaking bad stuff and whistleblowers in general, making the pointing out…
Crystal-clear and really, really warm this Saturday afternoon on California’s north coast, and with a temperature right now of 74-degrees, this is the ultimate in summer — yet with summer still a couple of weeks…
“Fort Meade has 18 acres of mainframe computers underground. You’re talking to your wife on the phone and you use the word ‘bomb,’ ‘president,’ ‘Allah,’ any of a hundred keywords, the computer recognizes it, automatically…
High overcast again this early Thursday on California’s north coast and life continues impeded by all kinds of nefarious workings unseen for the most part — or heard. This morning, the InterWebs are chunked-full of…
(Illustration found here). In the midst of mid-week and the crisis of life is far from ending — beyond America’s past, pastime being full of shit, especially if our First Lady scolds a heckler, or White…