Not Again!
June 3, 2013No matter how you look at it, the weekend’s over and we’re at Monday again — and typically it’s overcast and warm up here on California’s north coast with another work week staring straight into…
No matter how you look at it, the weekend’s over and we’re at Monday again — and typically it’s overcast and warm up here on California’s north coast with another work week staring straight into…
Cloudy, drizzle and fog — another Sunday here on California’s north coast, though, the normal pedigree for this neck of the woods. Started out about the same yesterday, but near-noon sunshine came and everybody went…
Up here on California’s north coast this Saturday morning, outside looks deep-overcast, gloomy and gothic — a book by its cover? What you see might not be what it is, yet, at the same time,…
Mostly clear skies this early Friday morning on California’s north coast, and a bit chilly, too. Up here, even on clear, sunny days, the wind out of the north can cut like a knife —…
High overcast and way-quiet this early Thursday on California’s northern coast, with the silence so compelling, the noise from the Pacific only a mile or so away, can barely be heard above all the hush-hush.…
Rain again this early Wednesday on California’s north coast, feels like it’s getting wet all over the world. Especially among the fringe-first, not-so-subtle Republican party, or as GOP underlings say: “I mean, you’ve got to…
When President Obama spoke yesterday: “Regardless of reason, this truth cannot be ignored that today most Americans are not directly touched by war. As a consequence, not all Americans may always see or fully grasp…
Softly, quietly raining this early Monday on California’s north coast and in the still-dark air there’s a sense that seemingly all is well with the world, and peace reigns from here to Timbuktu. Yeah, right!…
Bright and sunny this Sunday afternoon on California’s north coast — big weekend in Arcata, a little town just south of us and home to Humboldt State University, with what’s called the Kinetic Grand Championship,…
(Illustration found here.) Via Climate Progress: Elizabeth Kolbert is one of the most thoughtful climate journalists. Her terrific 2006 book, ‘Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change,’ famously ends: “It may seem…