Friday Reality Bubble
July 25, 2014Overcast and way-dark this early Friday on California’s north coast as we look forward to the weekend, now within earshot. Hairy week past with airplanes falling out of the sky at an alarming rate —…
Overcast and way-dark this early Friday on California’s north coast as we look forward to the weekend, now within earshot. Hairy week past with airplanes falling out of the sky at an alarming rate —…
High overcast this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, and instead of ground fog, there’s a wide, black sky hanging over us. No stars are visible, though, just a deep dark. Now nearly 13 years…
Foggy and chilly this way-too-early Monday on California’s north coast as the weekend officially comes to an abrupt end without much fanfare. An ugly morning is a Monday. And speaking of pure ugly — on…
Ground fog, and this morning, a bit on the cool side for us up here on California’s north coast as we bleed on through the week. Time moves pretty fast, but sometimes not fast enough.…
Truth always trumps — no matter an impossible-case reporting what’s right. Case in point: Glenn Greenwald, in an interview last month: “The key to the social control was the possibility that they could be watched…
A foggy and chilly Saturday morning on California’s north coast — normal as the word ‘standard.’ Last week, as anyone paying just a gist-amount of attention would know, results from a Quinnipiac University National Poll…
Ground fog again this early Friday on California’s north coast — and all is quiet and still, mainly due to no one (except me) having to work. Today is some kind of holiday, I’m told.…
(Illustration: The Dick, George Jr., and a Known-Known, posture hypocrisy on an American country road, found here). In just a few words, a glimpse into the horror-nightmare of Iraq, and a status-update to the current…
Thick ground fog this early Monday on California’s north coast as the weekend becomes history with toil and labor and nonsensical work all in a conspiracy to make me sad. Doesn’t matter, most-everybody is unhappy…
Clear and more on the warm side this early Thursday on California’s north coast, and from here, the weekend is just hours away. Or words to that effect. Despite another double-tornado incident, this time in…