‘Chicken Crap’
December 3, 2010(Illustration found here). Yesterday from the mouth of the heartless insane — via UPI: U.S. Rep. John Boehner, the incoming House speaker, described a Democratic move Thursday to limit the extension of the Bush tax…
(Illustration found here). Yesterday from the mouth of the heartless insane — via UPI: U.S. Rep. John Boehner, the incoming House speaker, described a Democratic move Thursday to limit the extension of the Bush tax…
In the beginning, Barack Obama carried a big bucket of change — change he claimed all of us could really, really believe in and live with as we moved onward into that most-wonderful future. My…
The US and its nit-witted NATO allies should pack up and leave Afghanistan right now — right here and now. And this terrible incident might be a major culprit (among a shitload of others). From the…
Another day set aside for perpetual lying. (Illustration found here). As always, Mark Twain notedly recorded the festivities: “Thanksgiving Day, a function which originated in New England two or three centuries ago when those people…
(Illustration found here). The good-ole US of A has gone to shit in a wire basket. Or have we been in the shitter a long, long time — take the case of the so-called Great…
The so-called war in Afghanistan will apparently never end. Just when one thinks there’s a light at the end of the IED-blasted tunnel, it turns out the flicker is just military commanders flicking their Bics.…
Osama bin Laden has to be way-laughing through his terror-obstructed ass. (Illustration found here). Air travel in the US can be a pain in the nut-sack. American traveler John Tyner unloaded a notorious phrase this…
(Illustration found here). The situation in Afghanistan has gone from real-bad, to worse, to down-right shitty. Eleven NATO troops were killed over the weekend — seven on Saturday — bringing the ugly total to 32…
Warmongering sonofabitches. Instead of the number 11, US military officials actually meant the number 14 — President Obama on announcing his so-called ‘Afghan surge’ last year blubbered US troops would begin a drawdown in July…
‘Cause suicide is painless it brings on many changes and I can take or leave it if I please. …and you can do the same thing if you choose. — Johnny Mandel, (M*A*S*H lyrics) (Illustration…