Category Archives: Bullshit

Maddow: Putin A ‘Kleptocratic Dictator’

February 25, 2022

Entering the third day of the crazed, maladjusted invasion of Ukraine, Rachel Maddow set the standard in revealing the real asshole, piece of shit that’s Vlad Putin — a whine-fest way-anti-democratic and dangerous turd: Rachel…

Death Clique — COVID Red Edition

February 23, 2022

Beyond Ukraine this morning, but still on just how extremely awful are Republicans and why we’ll probably never get a true handle on the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a problem not of the so-called, and…

Introspection In Time And History — Russians and Republicans

February 22, 2022

Once again, back again this near-mid-day Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — expecting some rain this afternoon, but this is drought infested lands, so I don’t expect much. Despite not feeling real good, at…

Merrick Garland Needs To Act Now — Time’s A-Wasting

February 12, 2022

In a spin-off of yesterday’s post and the wake-up call needed for AG Merrick Garland to get his ass in gear to prosecute the T-Rump for the shitload of crimes he committed in broad daylight…

T-Rump’s Picture-Book Memoir — ‘Turning These Pages Is Like Watching An Old Man Dust His Hummel Figurines And Whine About The Neighbors’

February 11, 2022

A grifter’s grind. (Illustration found here). In a world gone near-mad with shitstorms festering all over — war in Ukraine, democracy in peril, crazy-ass truckers are closing down cities, and now T-Rump has a literary…

Tweet Of The Week (So Far) — Liars Get-Rich Edition

February 11, 2022

Ominously well-warm near-mid-day Friday here in California’s Central Valley. We’re much-too-quickly working our way into a new year with summer just around the hot-as-shit corner. Once in a while, you come across something that epitomizes…

Funny Not-Laughing Business Of Being Republican

February 8, 2022

Some specimens in the Republican mindset nowadays — one frame after another. Despite the age, racism, and whiteness: Nutshell via CNN late this afternoon: Beatty, who chairs the Congressional Black Caucus, said in a string…

Breaking News! Fox Hiding The Henhouse

February 8, 2022

One of the massive problems facing the political airwaves as we approach this coming November ballot box — liars have their own cable-news network. And like the T-Rump, just don’t give a shit: Rupar is…