Category Archives: Bullshit

Impeachment Trial: Itinerant Circus Performers Couldn’t Be So ‘Craven’

February 13, 2021

After bombshell information dropped last night about a phone call between T-Rump and Kevin McCarthy as crazed MAGA heads were swarming the US Capitol building last month, there was a short sequence this morning where…

Up To Republicans To Grow A Spine And Convict T-Rump

February 11, 2021

House impeachment prosecutors concluded their presentation today in T-Rump’s Senate impeachment trial, and now it’s up to Republicans to grow a spine and convict the asshole of inciting an insurrection — however, most-likely not be…

Bummer! — Gina Carano Is A Racist Asshole

February 11, 2021

As the Senate trial of the T-Rump begins day three, another shitty story currently has floated-up created via horrid lies and bullshit of the right-wing delusional, nasty, hated-filled rhetoric intensifying the last couple of months…

Impeachment Trial A Deep Reveal Of The Making Of An Insurrection — Videos And Recordings Show T-Rump Incited A Riot

February 10, 2021

Once again the topic of the day by far is the T-Rump’s impeachment trial in the Senate, part two of several engrossing parts fueled by emotional speech, and especially the use of not-seen-before videos —…

T-Rump Fumes At His Lawyers: ‘He’s Adrift’

February 9, 2021

(Illustration: Pro-Trump supporters storm the US Capitol, found at CNN). Clambering across the news cycle today has been copious reports on the opening day of T-Rump’s impeachment trial in the Senate, with the Democrats releasing…

T-Rump’s Lawyers: Impeachment Trial Not About Actual Insurrection/Riot, As Claim Of Incitement ‘Simply Absurd’

February 8, 2021

Here we are this Monday morning in California’s Central Valley, sunshine with a bit of haze, but seemingly another beautiful day ahead, which appears to invoke a early summer and the accompanying heat. Tomorrow and…

Biden: T-Rump’s Longtime ‘Erratic Behavior’ Curtails Intel Briefings

February 5, 2021

As all things must past, maybe the T-Rump will, too. However, until then he should be kept away from anything he could use, directly or indirectly, as a weapon of greedy revenge, especially national secrets…

T-Rump Resigns From Screen Actors Guild Before They Could Fire Him: His Film Roles Playing Himself — An Asshole

February 5, 2021

In the wake of a full news cycle yesterday, I overlooked one item regarding the T-Rump, or maybe it wasn’t displayed prominently enough with all the Q-related shit in the way, but the matter was…