Category Archives: climate change

Robots And Republicans And A ‘Helicopter Full Of Cash’

August 17, 2021

Some news be good today: Rescuers on Tuesday pulled 16 people out alive from rubble in Brefèt, a town in Les Cayes in the Southern department, three days after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the area,…

NOAA: July Hottest Month Ever — ‘In This Case, First Place Is The Worst Place To Be’

August 13, 2021

Environmental news seems to pop up in the afternoons lately, and today was no exception — hot records melting in the heat: According to data released today by NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information, last…

Global Emissions Must Peak Within Four Years, Or We Be Up Shit Creek Without A Paddle — Leaked UN Report

August 12, 2021

As we blunder toward the end of another work week, the climate of human society sucks through a way-small straw. If we can’t even get a portion of Americans to adopt way-obvious, life-saving methods to…

‘Heat Dome’ Weather Afresh!

August 11, 2021

Heavy-heat again this Wednesday afternoon here in California’s Central Valley, though, we’re not sweltering alone — seemingly the whole freaking world is boiling. The Pacific Northwest and BC Canada are catching the top-crust warmth with…

UN Climate Report: ‘A Severe Warning Regarding The Well Being Of Human Society & All Life On Earth’ — Nothing Heavy!

August 9, 2021

(Illustration found at NASA: A supercomputer model in 2015 created the above simulation of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere and portends the ghastly, horrible, monstrous-looking results if this shit continues). Six years ago, the world…

Gulf Stream, A Way-Strong Climate Influence, Could Be Close, Maybe Near A ‘Tipping Point’ — Bad News For Everywhere

August 5, 2021

(Illustration found here). Another rocking bit of climate-change science today and it’s not about drought, flooding, or mega-heat waves, but an entity that could make those things even worse — the operation of the Atlantic…

Climate Change vs COVID — ‘Unfortunately There Is No Vaccine For Climate Change’

August 2, 2021

In the current stock of things this Monday afternoon — like Greece. Today the CDC put Greece and 15 other countries on a “Level 4: COVID-19 Very High” shit list for Americans to travel due to…

‘Earth Overshoot Day’ — A Climate Change/Humanity Indicator

July 29, 2021

Some more climate-related items for this Thursday afternoon as the weekend looms just ahead — another wrecked week of weird. A special day today, sort of hand-in-hand with climate change and the environment — Earth…