‘You Maniacs!’
April 15, 2014Quiet with a deep, and low overcast this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — a situation which blocked us from the famous “blood moon” episode, seen just about everywhere else this morning. The total…
Quiet with a deep, and low overcast this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — a situation which blocked us from the famous “blood moon” episode, seen just about everywhere else this morning. The total…
Low overcast and ground fog this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, and a bit on the warm side, too. Another typical Humboldt County weather situation — fog with splashes of sunshine. Beyond the continuing…
(Illustration: The Dick, George Jr., and Rummy posture-preen serious — found here) As a sixth-grader, I was near-about convinced the United States of America was the greatest country in the history of the world. In…
Overcast with a slight chill in the air this early Friday on California’s north coast, and the most-important item floating in the atmosphere is it being Friday. Yes, Friday! Although feeling of a seemingly long…
Overcast, rain and fog this early Thursday on California’s north coast as we wade through about a week’s worth of wet weather. People a bit south of us, down ‘Frisco way, are experiencing “a little…
Raining fairly heavy this way-too-early Wednesday on California’s north coast, but maybe the sun will show itself later, like it did yesterday afternoon — gorgeous and warm. We need the rain, though, and lots more.…
Overcast with a chilly breeze this early Thursday on California’s north coast as we grind through another work week. Friday is just a flip-of-the-finger away. We had a bit of nasty news yesterday afternoon from…
Clear and chilly again this early Wednesday on California’s north coast — mid-week weakly here. No earthquakes during my morning bath, but there’s been two little shakers since I got up earlier, and the movement…
High overcast and calm this early Friday on California’s north coast — the sky placid and easy. Weather around here the last few days has been incredible with tons of sunshine and warm breezes, spring…
Clear and windy this Wednesday morning on California’s north coast — all seems quiet. Appearances, though — the ground is settled here, but a 5.1 earthquake was reported yesterday afternoon off the Oregon coast, about…