Tag Archives: Richard Nixon

Dustbin Of History: Republican Party Has Pooped Itself

June 4, 2024

Bright sunshine in hot air just past the noon hour Tuesday here in California’s Central Valley — we were hoping to make it to Wednesday before the heat set in this week, but no way.…

Horror History Today 75 Years Ago With Dick Nixon And A ‘Pumpkin’

December 2, 2023

In the ripple pool off my 75th birthday last Wednesday — my post here on the ludicrous, noted event — one of the offshoots was Henry Kissinger kicking the bucket that day, too. He joins…

John Dean: Watergate ‘Would Be Very Different Today’ — Due To T-Rump’s Inability To ‘Experience Shame’

June 5, 2022

(Illustration: ‘John Dean nears the end of reading his 245-page prepared statement before the Senate Watergate Committee in Washington, D.C., on June 25, 1973′ — image found here). In context of this month’s 50th anniversary…

Nixon — ‘He seemed to hate everybody’

October 13, 2015

In the long, tortured life of us baby boomers, Dick Nixon is the sweating, nefarious crank in our history, always the turd floating across the ages to become the anchor-villain of modern American politics. Apparently…