Fire ‘Halo’
May 15, 2014Clear with some of those tiny-wisp of clouds high up this early Thursday on California’s north coast — a hot one yesterday, but according to the weather people, the peak of the heat has passed.…
Clear with some of those tiny-wisp of clouds high up this early Thursday on California’s north coast — a hot one yesterday, but according to the weather people, the peak of the heat has passed.…
Overcast and some ground fog this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — a day seemingly typical for the region of thick mist for awhile, then bright sunshine and warmth. Yesterday was the example —…
Overcast and warm this too-early Monday on California’s north coast as the weekend now becomes just another episode of history. Weather-wise, however, we’re in for some neat times this week — forecast to be in…
Raining fairly-hard this arrived-way-too-fast Monday morning on California’s north coast. Seemingly, time freaked me Friday afternoon; home after work, and without even a hint of a whisper, I’m like ‘Right here and now!.’ Clocks mark…
Overcast with some ground fog this early Friday on California’s north coast, and still a bit on the warm side. Yesterday was another gorgeous outing — bright sunshine and way-‘hot’ temperatures, like maybe in the…
Stars twinkling in a clear sky this early Thursday on California’s north coast with an unusually-strong breeze, too. A warm-like wind I might add. Although we’re not supposed to keep our high temperatures — we…
Middle of the afternoon Wednesday and what a show: Sunshine, a warm wind and 84 degrees — a rare T-shit day for me. Heat is unusual up here — California’s north coast is usually like…
Clear skies and a bit on the warm side this way-too-early Wednesday on California’s north coast — yesterday was about as good as it gets with sunshine, blue skies and heated air. Today we’re suppose…
Clear and chilly this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — we’re set for clear skies the rest of this week with a ‘chance of rain’ on Sunday, which means maybe a ‘drizzle’ if anything.…
Clear skies seen through wisps of ground fog the main feature this early Monday on California’s north coast as we start a brand-new work week. And all against our will — the weekend is just…