Category Archives: Environment

‘Tipping Points’ to Reality — T-Rump and Climate

November 28, 2016

Sunshine shines right now this Monday morning on California’s north coast — rain again this afternoon (about 40-percent chance), and supposedly a nice stretch of clear skies by Thursday, and brightly, hopefully further  on into…

Climate Change — ‘Midst of an Extraordinary Time’

November 15, 2016

Rain and a chilled wind this early Tuesday on California’s north coast — supposedly, showers the rest of today. The UN reported Monday, 2016 will most-likely be the hottest year ever, third record as such…

T-Rump — ‘Game Over For The Climate’

November 10, 2016

Thick, wet marine layer blankets California’s north coast this early Thursday — supposedly, the fog will burn-off into a ‘Mostly Sunny‘ day. Hope springs eternal… Yet reality of T-Rump  — slim-jim-shit-head Paul Ryan gleefully gushed…