Extinction Practitioners
June 19, 2015Clear, bright and windy this Friday afternoon on California’s north coast — the breeze a bit on the chilly side, seeping off the deep-gray fog bank hanging low about a block away from my apartment,…
Clear, bright and windy this Friday afternoon on California’s north coast — the breeze a bit on the chilly side, seeping off the deep-gray fog bank hanging low about a block away from my apartment,…
Light overcast this early Thursday on California’s north coast, maybe hinting of real sunshine quickly coming as heat burns off the fog allowing a brighter air — instead of the gloomy-gothic gray. In context of…
Dark-thirty Monday here on California’s north coast — most likely fog again, but yesterday there was sunshine at ‘sun‘ up, now less than 30 minutes away, so maybe a decent chance for brightness this morning…
Overcast once again this early Thursday here along California’s north coast, in a quiet, predawn dark — looks about the same as yesterday, fog-filled until it’s burnt away, sometimes not before late afternoon, and sometimes…
Overcast in a bright, glum-looking afternoon here on a small bit of California’s north coast — plenty of shine without much sun, though, you’re going to need shades. Although we’re in a fog-funk along the…
Sunshine is fading away this Tuesday afternoon on California’s north coast — a thick fog bank has been slowly darkening the air, carried by a chilled breeze and our ‘heat wave’ slips away. The interior…
A damp-looking, deep-gray-ground fog deadens first light this too-early Monday on California’s north coast — although dismal appearing now, the NWS claims today will be ‘mostly sunny,‘ with temperatures in the low-70s, ‘heat wave‘ weather…
Clear-looking to the east this early Friday on California’s north coast, and a bright sun-up if the fog don’t get here first — chilly a bit now, though, supposedly we could see/feel 70-degrees today. Unlikely…
Bright and blustery this afternoon on California’s north coast — the gusty-breeze a bit chilly and sharp, but if you’ve a wind break, the air’s warm and not unpleasant. Major climate news earlier today, as…
Thick-gray clouds on an early Thursday, hanging-low along California’s north coast — might be more fog than cloud, sometime hard to reckon, but whatever, supposedly should be clearing fairly-quickly this morning. The NWS forecasts dry…