Nuts Monday
April 15, 2013Well, here it is again, another early Monday on California’s north coast with the skies nearly clear, and maybe even more warm than it will be in a couple of hours. And after a too-short…
Well, here it is again, another early Monday on California’s north coast with the skies nearly clear, and maybe even more warm than it will be in a couple of hours. And after a too-short…
Raining again this way-early Friday morning on California’s north coast, and warm, too. We need the rain, and the heat takes the bite out of getting quickly soaked. Water and warmth, which together create a…
High overcast and fairly warm relatively speaking this early Tuesday on California’s north coast, and we did get some rain in the evening yesterday, more is expected today, and the rest of the week. The…
Forgot the DST this morning, even with all the news-site-blurbs yesterday yakking about ‘spring forward’ — a good thing it’s Sunday and there’s no place of got-to-be, so time can just go and kiss my……
Interesting, though, I don’t know if it’s real or not — can’t read Cyrillic. Some photos of supposed-fragments off the famous meteorite that flamed across the Chelyabinsk region of Russia last month can be seen here (via…
Once again, cloudy and drizzling rain this Tuesday morning up here along California’s northern coast — quiet and easy. Life all over ain’t so as scouring the news reveals it’s the Same Old Shit causing…
Cloudy and wind-chilly this early Monday morning here on California’s northern coast, the first ‘real‘ day of the new year. Although technically, last Tuesday was the first and Wednesday the first ‘free‘ new day of…
When a wee-young lad, I was subject to the now-ludicrous “duck and cover drills” in school where all us students practiced what to do in case of a Soviet nuclear attack. The whole scenario was…
Cold and clear again this morning on California’s northern coast with more the same expected for the upcoming work-week. In with the unimpeded and out with the dumb-ass. Woke up this morning more on the…
Another Halloween, but slapped hard by nature — there’s a few million US people who won’t be prowling the streets tonight seeking after treats. The trick will be to crawl through Hurricane Sandy’s rubble and…